• Be sure to wear comfortable clothing. Some spaces will provide mats, blankets, bolsters, and even eye pillows; while others will instruct you to bring your own. This is usually in the event details. If you are ever unsure, reach out to the contact person for your specific event.

  • Not at all! Lying down is only one way to experience a sound bath. You are welcome to sit comfortably on a cushion or chair if you prefer.

    Many outdoor events will invite you to bring a camp chair if you want to sit up of the ground.

  • While some aspects are the same, such as the use of instruments and voice, this is not a traditional concert experience. Sound bathing is less structured than a typical orchestral performance or rock concert, allowing you to more easily focus on your own experience rather than getting caught up on a specific lyric or sequence of notes.

  • While it is a type of meditative experience, sound bathing is not the mindfulness style meditation that you typically see, where you have to sit upright and focus on your breath or a specific mantra or affirmation. In fact, many people who struggle with traditional meditation find sound bathing to be a more accessible way to enter a meditative state and receive many of the same health benefits as with a traditional meditation practice.