Mindfulness at the Library

I believe that libraries are special! I have loved going to the library since I was little and even worked in libraries for 9 years before starting my business.

Public libraries are one of the few places in our society where you do not need to buy something to be there. They provide a safe space for their communities to access knowledge and resources regardless of who they are.

I love bringing sound bath meditation and guided meditation programming into the library space because it reaches people who NEED the benefits of mindfulness practices but may not feel comfortable or be financially able to access these offerings elsewhere.

Library Program Offerings

Meditation 101:

(60 min)

A 30 Min Presentation on the benefits of meditation. Followed by a 20-25 min guided meditation. Session closes with 10 minutes of time for patrons to ask questions and share observations about their experience.

Sound Bath Meditation:


Begins with a 5-10 minute introduction to sound meditation. The session itself typically starts with breathwork to begin to relax for the meditation, is followed by a Sound Bath featuring crystal bowls, chimes, flute, and pyramid, and closes with breathwork and a gentle lead out. The program closes with 10-15 minutes of time for questions and observations.

Customize your Sound Bath Programing to include the following:

  • 5-10 minute introduction to Sound Healing and how it works

  • Guided Meditation throughout the session

  • Sound only during the main part of the session (no speaking)

  • Guided Breathwork

  • Gentle movement

  • Reiki

  • Up to 90 minutes in duration